The Council of Europe’s Evolving Approach to Interculturalism: Main document (and One Example)
This paper carries out a diachronic comparison of official documents ofthe Council of Europe concerning cultural
diversity, in order to elaborate on the evolution of its approach, with particular reference to interculturalism. It
provides the example of intercultural cities, which confirms the essential role of local government in the pursuit
of better arrangements of diversity and finally explains to what stream of interculturalism the CoE’s
understanding can be ascribed
diversity, in order to elaborate on the evolution of its approach, with particular reference to interculturalism. It
provides the example of intercultural cities, which confirms the essential role of local government in the pursuit
of better arrangements of diversity and finally explains to what stream of interculturalism the CoE’s
understanding can be ascribed
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Department of Law - University of Perugia
Via Pascoli, 33 - 06123 Perugia (PG) - Telephone 075.5852401
Comparative Law Review is registered at the Courthouse of Monza (Italy) - Nr. 1988 - May, 10th 2010.
Editors - Prof. Giovanni Marini, Prof. Pier Giuseppe Monateri, Prof. Tommaso Edoardo Frosini, Prof. Salvatore Sica, Prof. Alessandro Somma, Prof. Giuseppe Franco Ferrari, Prof. Massimiliano Granieri.
Direttore responsabile:Alessandro Somma