The Multifaceted Method of Comparative Law and Economics
As initially conceived of in the Eighties, Comparative Law and Economics provided legal scholars a
neutral language for the exploration of similarities and differences across legal systems. Its value added is
the theoretical rigour of its models and the possibility to engage in a scientific dialogue not hampered by
jurisdiction-specific features. At a later stage, comparative approaches became fully embedded in economic
research and its empirical methods. Possible synergies with comparative legal research abound, but the
organization of academic structures has so far prevented to fully exploit them.
neutral language for the exploration of similarities and differences across legal systems. Its value added is
the theoretical rigour of its models and the possibility to engage in a scientific dialogue not hampered by
jurisdiction-specific features. At a later stage, comparative approaches became fully embedded in economic
research and its empirical methods. Possible synergies with comparative legal research abound, but the
organization of academic structures has so far prevented to fully exploit them.
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Department of Law - University of Perugia
Via Pascoli, 33 - 06123 Perugia (PG) - Telephone 075.5852401
Comparative Law Review is registered at the Courthouse of Monza (Italy) - Nr. 1988 - May, 10th 2010.
Editors - Prof. Giovanni Marini, Prof. Pier Giuseppe Monateri, Prof. Tommaso Edoardo Frosini, Prof. Salvatore Sica, Prof. Alessandro Somma, Prof. Giuseppe Franco Ferrari, Prof. Massimiliano Granieri.
Direttore responsabile:Alessandro Somma